If you listen to the media, politicians, and some vocal organizations, the citizens of the United States are racist. Let’s start with some definitions.
I am a racist. By dictionary definition. In fact, we all are.
What defines a “race”? Is it skin color, religion, or regional? According to Wikipedia the definition of “race” is:
“A race is a grouping (a group is zero or more) of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society.[1] First used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations, by the 17th century the term race began to refer to physical (phenotypical) traits. Modern scholarship regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society. While partially based on physical similarities within groups, race is not an inherent physical or biological quality.” Wikipedia
According to the dictionary:
Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
Racist: a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
I claim to be “racial” group of one.
I can prove that I fit the definition.
I am a group of one and as an individual, I am distinct to society (no clones that I know of). Therefore, by definition, I qualify as a race.
Every person not a member of my “race” (group) is a member of a totally distinct group and can be defined as a separate “race.”
I can come up with all kinds of discrimination, prejudice and antagonism to members of the other “race.” For example, there are many members of that other group who run red lights, and I am very antagonistic with them. I have a preconceived opinion that most politicians do not work for the good of the people of this country and abide by their oath of office. Thus, I am prejudiced. I have contempt for these same politicians and would not associate with them. Thus, I am guilty of discrimination.
This covers all aspects of the definition of racism.
By this standard, every person in the world who makes a comment that is not in agreement with someone else about any other person is a racist. I think we have about six or seven billion racists in this world.
I can’t stand people who show their stupidity (not ignorance) by being unable or unwilling to use logic and reason in their thinking. This covers a lot of people.
Bravo!!!! Well stated.