Code of Ethics – 23

PERSEVERANCE The quality of perseverance is one of the most wonderful qualities of mankind and it is also a quality that steadies and stabilizes the individual. Perseverance is usually regarded as a long, slow, steady progress towards a definite goal and it is...

Code of Ethics – 22

TRUTH Truth is almost universally regarded as exceedingly complex, but in its general application it usually proves in the final analysis to be very simple. Truth is always dignified and worth while regardless of its subject matter. The dictionary definition of truth...

Code of Ethics – 21

IMPORTANCE Importance is defined as the quality of being important, which is explained as of much significance; momentous; bearing weight or consequence; of high standing; pompous. We thus see that the word itself possesses a quality that gives standing to the people,...

Code of Ethics – 20

DECISION The quality of decision is defined in the dictionary as follows: The act of reaching a fixed opinion; the quality of being fixed and firm; determination. The power of making a decision is one of the most essential aids to success and to happiness. We are all...

Code of Ethics – 19

APPRECIATION Appreciation is a quality that is not only a great aid to happiness but is also very beneficial and helpful to all those with whom we come in contact. In other words, it is one of the traits of character which, while classified as a secondary trait, is...