Call Me A Racist

If you listen to the media, politicians, and some vocal organizations, the citizens of the United States are racist. Let’s start with some definitions. I am a racist. By dictionary definition. In fact, we all are. What defines a “race”? Is it skin color, religion, or...

Clear Thinking

Listening to the media and politicians are almost enough to find a mountaintop and retreat from society. One of my favorite books in high school was “Whatever Happened To Justice” by Rick Mayberry.  Now I ask, whatever happened to clear thinking. I wish to...

Call for Impeachment

It’s not about getting rid of the President. We have a society that is caught up in the idea of impeachment. Do you really think President Trump has a chance of being removed from office? Think again. In regular court, with a jury, you need to get twelve people to...

Code of Ethics – 28

FAIR PLAY The ability to play fair is not inherent in the character of individuals but must be cultivated and must grow just as any other process of education. It involves not only a sound sense of justice, but also a reasonable amount of good judgment and an ability...

Code of Ethics – 27

VALUES The judgment of values is a vital element that affects the security, comfort and happiness of each individual. It is distinctly an individual process although it is often affected by mass psychology and by advice given by others. In its simpler state it...